
About Time

Ok, Ok, I know it's been WAY too long! I can't write a long post right now because it's late and I have an early day. I'm gonna add some pics from my Scotland vacation in November. (Tab, you inspired me bc I just read your blog and LOVE it!)

Rhonda and I in Philly about to leave the States.

Flew into Manchester, England and then took a train up to Glasgow, Scotland and then ended up in Dunoon where Rhonda's aunt and uncle lived- they were great!!

One of the many Lochs we visited. I think this is Loch Lomond. Later on our trip we visited Loch Ness (when we were up in the Highlands) and I saw the Loch Ness Monster. Yikes!

Sometimes the Lochs were so calm the reflections were like looking in a mirror.

More to come later! And am I the only one having trouble downloading pics to blogger??