
Can't Get No Satisfaction

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is push things out of your mind. Repeating conversations, a word, a "freeze frame" in your head can drive you crazy even though the thought might make you smile.

Been reading some commentary on the Torah and was surprised at the explanation for the use of "us/our" in the 'creation of man' passages. I'm not satisfied with the perspective of the author. This single verse, I believe, gives insight into the plural nature of God- as in being Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Although, for a people or religion (Jewish) that can only comprehend in monotheistic terms, I can understand the dilemma. The best explanation I heard (a few years back) for how God is one but also different persons, was the comparison to an egg. (Yes, I said egg). Imagine how the shell, yolk and white have such different properties and appearances but each, on its own, is not an egg. The egg is, by definition, all three.

Anyway, I did end up at the bookstore last night in search of some more help with reading the bible. Got a little side tracked and I ended up purchasing an apologetic study bible. Did not know there are so many options of bibles out there!


  1. Have you read "The Shack?" I would highly recommend it, especially in light of this post...if you end up reading it, let me know what you think.

    BTW, I love reading your blog...you are one articulate chica! :)

  2. Thanks Tabs!! Who's the author? Definitely will read your recommendation. Can't wait to follow your blog one day!

  3. The author is Paul Young
