
Feels so good to have today off! I picked up an extra shift yesterday even though we have been a little slow at work. Gotta get the overtime when you can!

Today I read: Write down the vision God has given you. I started to dig and tried to come up with that one thing. I once thought I had the vision to become a dentist. I still struggle with that some days! I also thought I had the vision to go and do some kind of mission or humanitarian work in another country for an extended amount of time. I'm not sure what came first- losing sight of the vision or life circumstances that piled on as I got older. Today, I am praying to receive a vision again.

I have traveled (a little bit) and guess that if there is something I wish to continue throughout my life, it is traveling. To be able to see & feel the people and culture of countries around the world- that is a powerful aphrodisiac. And the Earth and nature- I love the variety. Yesterday it was a bit windy in AZ. As I was driving along the freeway and the car was swaying a bit with the wind. I thought, we are so small compared to nature! We can think we are in control of our lives, but one volatile expression of nature and we can be devastated. Anyway, didn't mean to get all doom and gloom here. It was actually so beautiful to experience a different, weather day. And, I think that IS half the fun of traveling- experiencing the climates and nature of different places.

Another dream of mine is to buy an old, historic home and renovate it. This dream is materialistic. It would be one of those huge, sprawling estates that has acres of land and a unique house sitting in the middle with it's original fireplaces and an attic full of treasures. I would have big bushes of Hydrangeas in front, wrapping around a porch, where I can sit and enjoy the view every summer. The house would be passed on for generations and our family would "remember when" about the memories in that house forever. Or, you know what would be even better? To have multiple homes- the casual cottage on the beach for summer vacations, the cozy flat in London and a home tucked in the countryside in Belgium or Tuscany. Hmmmm.


  1. That does sound nice. I always dream of those large estates or cottages, like the ones in the Jane Austen movies. With rolling hills and gardens. I do feel blessed to know that Florin's parents are passing their house in Romania down to him. It's supposed to be big and nice. So that will be something that can be passed down thru generations as you say.

  2. Umm, not on topic, but I am NOT OK with the fact that it's been over a week since you've posted something! :) Get yourself in gear, and give me something to read...doesn't have to be long, you know!
